
Navigating the NFT space alone is a challenging task. On average there are over thirty drops a day and thousands upon thousands of NFTs to explore. There are countless resources such as websites, Discord servers, YouTube pages, and Twitter profiles which offer insight. There are different blockchains to consider which offer their own benefits and drawbacks. Given this abundance of information, we believe there are great opportunities out there and a better way to do your own research.

The vision of Hedge Fund Hyenas is to provide a streamlined experience to identify investments for both holders and the HFH DAO, otherwise known as the hedge fund. This vision includes a clear distinction in responsibilities. HFH founders are responsible for organizing, curating, and executing direction from the community. HFH founders are dedicated to constantly improving the process and tools with which information is shared. HFH holders are responsible for sharing opinions, sharing alpha, and voting on decisions.

This whitepaper will detail the different ways we work to accomplish this vision which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. A welcoming community for new and experienced investors.

  2. Exclusive Discord hub with community sourced alpha.

  3. Process to receive, analyze, and curate community sourced investment suggestions.

  4. Community investment meetings to review curated investments and receive feedback.

  5. Identifying and qualifying for whitelist opportunities.

  6. Polls to determine consensus.

  7. Tracking and quantifying the performance of the HFH DAO portfolio.

We strongly believe the community and hedge fund will prosper by delivering on this vision. We envision a large community of close-knit, like-minded individuals sharing alpha and ideas every day while participating in the hedge fund experience.

Our long term vision includes the creation of a Web3 marketplace. This vision is born from the need for creators to find people they can trust for help. Too often creators are put in a position where they need to blindly trust a vendor to get the service they need. We intend on solving this problem by restricting the marketplace to trusted sellers who we have worked with, or we have been given overwhelmingly evidence from our community is trustworthy. This marketplace will give HFH extended longevity, provide more opportunities to holders, and fill a critical gap in the NFT space.

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